12 Pink Roses with Sampler Can Cake

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12 Pink Roses in Bouquet with Sampler Can Cake

What's the best way to show your love?
With flowers, of course! And what could be better than a dozen pink roses? Our 12 Pink Roses in Bouquet with Sampler Can Cake is the perfect way to show your affection. The bouquet is arranged by our talented florists and comes with a delicious can cake for an extra special touch. Here are some more reasons to love this gift:
-The roses are a symbol of love and appreciation
-The can cake is a delicious treat
-The bouquet is arranged by our talented florists

Cake Size:  - Quart (6 x 2)

Please Note: In case of unavailability, the ordered cake variant will be replaced with another available cake variant of equal value.

Please Note: If this pink color rose is not available, then it would be replaced with the red color rose.

Your purchase includes a complimentary greeting card message.

Delivery Area: Metro Manila Delivery Only.

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