2 Stems Lilies with 12 White Roses in Vase:
Looking for a beautiful floral arrangement that's both elegant and understated? Our 2 Stems Lilies with 12 White Roses in Vase is the perfect choice! This lovely bouquet features two stunning lilies in a pristine white hue, accented by a dozen white roses and arranged in a classic vase. Whether you're sending a heartfelt message of love or simply brightening up a friend's day, this beautiful arrangement is sure to delight. With their delicate beauty and sweet fragrance, our 2 Stems Lilies with 12 White Roses in Vase are the perfect way to show someone you care. Order now from Florist Manila!
Please note: Vase design may vary.
Please Note: If this white color roses are not available, then it would be replaced with the red color roses.
Your purchase includes a complimentary greeting card message.
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