Sunflower & Rose Bouquet

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2 Sunflower & 3 Rose Bouquet

Description: Looking for a unique and beautiful bouquet for that special someone?
Look no further than our Sunflower & Rose Bouquet! This bouquet includes 2 sunflowers and 3 roses, expertly arranged by our florist. It's perfect for any occasion!

Features & Benefits:
-Beautiful and unique: This bouquet is sure to stand out and impress with its beautiful sunflower and rose combination.
-Arranged by our expert florist: You can be confident that this bouquet will be expertly arranged and look amazing.
-Perfect for any occasion: Whether you're looking for a bouquet for a birthday, anniversary, or just because, this bouquet is perfect!

Your purchases include a complimentary message card.

Delivery Area: Manila and any Part of the Philippines.

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