
Flower Delivery to Albay

24 Red Roses in Bouquet Keeping it simple and elegant, this bunch of 24 of red roses makes a classic sweet bouquet. For those who love roses and for...

6 Red Rose Bouquet with bear (Vase FREE ). Send now your best feelings of love and passion with this unique design for your love fall putty in your...

12 Pink Roses in a Bouquet 12 pink roses bunch signify appreciation, thankfulness, admiration and pure love. Therefore this is a perfect bouquet to...

12 Red Roses in a Bouquet Express the thoughts of your togetherness with this lovely fresh bouquet of red roses. Feel the breeze of love all around...

$82.00 $66.95
6pcs Pink Roses in Bouquet with Mixed Fresh Fruits in Basket. Basket Contain: - Pineapple (1 Pc.) - Bananas (1 Kg) - Apples (4 Pcs.) -...

$82.00 $69.95
9pcs Red Roses in Bouquet with Fresh Fruits in Basket. A full  basket of apples! A symbol of love and wellness. Farm fresh apples will surely cheer up your...

$82.00 $72.95
8pcs Red Roses in Bouquet with Mixed Fresh Fruits in Basket. Basket Contain: - Orange (4pcs) - Red Apple (4pcs) - white Apple (4pcs) -...

$82.00 $65.95
6pcs Red Roses in Bouquet with Mixed Fresh Fruits in Basket. Basket Contain: - Pineapple (1 Pc.) - Bananas (1 Kg) - Apples (4 Pcs.) -...

$82.00 $65.95
9pcs Red Roses in Bouquet with Fresh Fruit in Basket. Basket Contain: - Orange (15pcs) Please note: these items are selected carefully with...

Single Red Rose Box with bear. This gift can be a priceless present for the one you love. (box design may vary) Bear Size : 8 Inches  NOTE:...

12 Red Rose bouquets with a small bear. This beautiful gift to the best man/woman in your life and elevate his/her spirits. Bear Size: 8 Inches...

12 Red Rose with Bear.  Roses are always special in Philippines, but they are more brightful with cute bear! Celebrate love between you and her with...

12 Red Rose bouquet with bear. What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined… to strengthen each other… to be at one...

One Dozen Red Roses with  a Free  Small Pink Color Teddy Bear Red rose is always the sign of everlasting love that keeps you motivated all through...

12 Red Rose bouquet with bear.bouquet with a classic but always current and trendy look. The bright colors of these roses & bear makes the perfect for...

12 Red Roses in a bouquet with Mocha Dedication Cake by Red Ribbon.  Yummy mocha cake topped with melt-in-your-mouth creamy mocha icing and chocolate chips....

9 Pcs Pink Roses with Rainbow Dedication Cake By Red Ribbon The ultimate kiddie birthday cake that’s colorful and chocolatey inside and out! It’s made up...

9 Red Roses in a bouquet with Mocha Dedication Cake by Red Ribbon.  Yummy mocha cake topped with melt-in-your-mouth creamy mocha icing and chocolate chips....

6 Pcs Blue Roses in a Bouquet with Black Forest Cake by Red Ribbon. Please note: This rose is sprayed on white rose. Your purchase includes a...

12 Red & Pink Roses with Chocolate Dedication Cake by Red Ribbon. Your Purchase includes a free greeting card message. Please note:  If...