Lilies, Roses & Carnations Bouquet#22

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6 Pink Lilies, 6 Red Roses & 6 Pink Carnations Bouquet

Looking for a unique gift that will really stand out?
Look no further than our Lilies, Roses & Carnations Bouquet! This beautiful bouquet features 6 pink carnations, 6 red roses, and 6 pink lilies, arranged in a stunning way that is sure to impress.

Features & Benefits:
-Beautiful and unique arrangement: This bouquet is unlike any other and is sure to impress with its beautiful mix of flowers.
- Perfect for any occasion: Whether you're looking for a gift for a birthday, anniversary, or just to show someone you care, this bouquet is perfect.
- Fresh and high-quality flowers: All of our flowers are fresh and of the highest quality, so you can be sure your bouquet will look amazing.

Your purchase includes a complimentary greeting card message.

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