One Dozen Roses

1 Dozen Roses Price Philippines


12 Pink Roses Bouquet Giving someone 12 roses is the excellent way to express your genuine love for them. These mesmerizing 12 pink roses in a bouquet...

One dozen fresh mixed roses in a vase Do you want to send someone special a mixed dozen of roses? Our talented florists can arrange a beautiful bouquet...

16 Pcs Red Roses in Bouquet Keeping it simple and elegant, this bunch of 16 pcs of red roses makes a classic sweet bouquet. For those who love roses...

6 Pcs Red Roses in a Bouquet Do you need a romantic gesture that says "I love you" without saying a word? Look no further than our 6 Pcs Red Roses in...

12 Red Roses in a Bouquet Looking for a romantic gesture that will sweep your partner off their feet? Say it with flowers with this stunning bouquet...

12 Red Roses in a Bouquet How many times have you seen a red rose and thought, "That's so romantic"? Well, now you can have 12 of those beautiful...

Dozen of Blue Roses in a Bouquet: Do you want to show your loved ones how much you care? One dozen blue roses in a bouquet is the perfect way to do...

One Dozen of Blue Roses in a Bouquet: Do you have someone in your life who deserves a dozen blue roses? Whether it's a birthday, holiday, or just...

11 White Roses in a bouquet This is a gift of that features stylishly arranged, this beautiful set of 11 white roses is bound to...

$39.95 $34.95
11 Red Roses in a bouquet Red roses with lots of baby breath and greenies together can create a sensation and a memory for you and your love. Red...

A Dozen Of White Roses in Box A signature flower box complete with white roses perfectly arranged in spherical shape, packaged in a classic and chic...

$49.95 $31.95
12 Red Color Roses in Box 12 red roses in a classic arrangement for making a genuine declaration of love. Show your true affection with this rose...

12 Pink Color Roses in Box Pink roses that will suit someone who is as precious as a diamond and makes your heart sigh with affection. Treat them to...

12 Blue Sprayed Roses in a Bouquet Do you need a fresh and unique way to show your loved one how much you care? Our One Dozen Sprayed Blue Roses in...

12 Red Roses Bouquet with 1pcs FREE I Love You Balloon How much do you love me? There'll be no question about it when you set her or his heart...

12 Pink Roses in Bouquet There is no use of emotions if not expressed. But don't worry, it as never too late to express yourself and the best way is to...

12 Pink Roses in Bouquet There is no use of emotions if not expressed. But don't worry, it as never too late to express yourself and the best way is...

12 pcs Red Roses in Bouquet This bunch is designed for those to whom 12 red roses would seem a bit less. This is a pretty bunch of 12 Red Roses with...

12 pcs Red color Roses in Bouquet Red Roses are the forever sign of deep, passionate, and long-lasting love. To let your loved ones know about your...

12 pcs Red color Roses in Bouquet What a thoughtful way to say "I Love You" and what a stunning hand-tied bouquet this is! 12 pcs Red roses are...

We offer only Ecuadorian Roses, the finest roses in the world. 12 red color Ecuadorian roses in a bouquet. IMPORTED FLOWERS FROM HOLLAND & ECUADOR!...

12 Beautiful Red and White Roses in Bouquet. Please note:  If these white color rose is not available, then it would be replaced with all red color...

12 Red and White Roses in Bouquet: Is your special someone's birthday coming up? Say "Happy Birthday" with this stunning bouquet of red and white...

12 red rose bouquet: Do you want to make someone feel extra special? Send them a bouquet of 12 red roses! Our expert florist will hand-pick the...

One Dozen Red Rose Bouquet: Looking for a romantic gesture that will make a lasting impression? Say it with flowers with this stunning bouquet of one...

12 Red Roses With 2 Mini Cute Bear Is your special someone feeling extra special? Then this is the perfect gift! A dozen red roses with two mini cute...

12pcs Red Roses Bouquet Is your special someone feeling a little down? Let our 12pcs Red Roses Bouquet brighten their day! Our talented florist will...

12 Red Rose Bouquet: The Red Romance Rose Bouquet will dazzle your special recipient with its expression of love and beauty this coming Valentine's...

One Dozen Red Roses Bouquet: Why not say "I Love You" with a dozen red roses? This beautiful bouquet, arranged by our expert florist, is the perfect...

$70.95 $37.95
12 Red Roses in a beautiful bouquet Do you want to show your loved one how much you care? Then send them a bouquet of red roses! Our 12 Red Roses...

12 Red Roses to in a Bouquet: Is your special someone feeling a little down? Send them a pick-me-up with a beautiful bouquet of red roses! Our 12 red...

12 Red Roses in Bouquet. Is your loved one's birthday coming up? Or maybe you just want to surprise them with some flowers? Either way, our 12 Red...

12 Blue Roses Bouquet Warm, cheerful, and eternally hopeful, this darling number is sure to create a lasting impression. Send this beautiful...

12 Blue Roses in a Bouquet: How would you like to brighten someone's day with a gorgeous bouquet of blue roses? Our 12 Blue Roses in a Bouquet are the...

12 Pink Roses with seasonal flower. Celebrate the lived love and all the love to share, with a floral presentation that will charm her... and...

12 Red Roses in Bouquet: How do you show your loved ones how much you care? You could cook them dinner, but anyone can do that. You could buy them a...

12 Bright Red Roses in Bouquet with FREE Teddy Bear: Do you want to make someone's day extra special? Then this is the perfect gift! Our 12 Bright Red...

6 red roses with quality of 6 ferreo chocolate   Would you like to send a loved one a bouquet of roses that are guaranteed to make them smile? Our...

12 mixed Roses in a Heart Shaped Roses are all about love. They help in expressing unsaid words. A special assortment of 12 mixed Roses in a Heart...

12 Red Rose in Beautiful Bouquet: Surprise your loved ones in Manila with our 12-piece red rose bouquet. Each rose is handpicked for its...

12 Red Roses Bouquet: Looking for the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care? Our 12 red roses bouquet is the perfect way to say "I love...

12 Roses and 1 stem white Lilies Bouquet: Do you need a little extra something to show your special someone how much you care? This bouquet of 12 roses...

12 Blue & white roses with green stuff bouquet. Are you looking for the perfect bouquet to show your loved ones how much you care? Our 12 blue...

11 White Roses in a bouquet: Do you need a romantic gesture that says "I love you" without saying a word? Send this beautiful bouquet of 11 white roses....

12 Red Rose and stylish greens bouquet Is your special someone's birthday coming up? Or maybe you just want to show them how much you care? Either way,...

12 Blue Holland Roses in Bouquet. Your purchase includes a complementary personalized Free greeting card message. Please Note: Place order...

12 Blue Ecuadorian Roses in Bouquet Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card. or Regular Rose:   There are no...

$55.95 $33.95
12 Pink Roses Bouquet: Reserved for the truly deserving, this sparkling concoction of 12 pink roses. To express just how you feel, send this...

12 White Roses Bouquet: Do you need a romantic gesture that says "I love you?" Then look no further than our 12 White Roses Bouquet. Our talented...

12 Red Roses in Bouquet Please note:   Box design may vary, depending on availability Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized...