24 White & Pink Color Rose Bouquet With 12pcs Ferrero Chocolate & Vase Free:
Looking for a special way to show your loved one how much you care?
Our Rose Bouquet With Chocolate & Free Vase is the perfect gift for any occasion! This beautiful bouquet includes 24 white and pink roses, 12 pieces of Ferrero Rocher chocolate, and a free vase. The roses are arranged in a beautiful way, and the chocolate is a delicious treat! The vase is also a great way to show your loved one how much you care!.
Please Note: Vase color & design may vary.
Please Note: If these white & pink color roses are not available, then it would be replaced with all the red color roses.
Please Note: In case of unavailability, this chocolate would be replaced with equal or greater value chocolate.
Your purchase includes a complimentary greeting card message.
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